This Is Why Costcos Hot Dogs Are So Delicious
No matter what you may have intended to buy initially, the charm of the behemoth warehouse store that is Costco will make you add a couple of extra things to your list that you now definitely need. • A couple of hours of wandering around the warehouse and lugging boxes of snacks, pounds of frozen meat, and crates of soda cans can leave you feeling a little drained. Plus, your spontaneous purchases may start haunting you a little after a while, too. • Luckily, the huge quarter-pound beef hot dog and soda combo at the food court makes everything worth it. This is why Costco’s hot dogs are so delicious. • #Costco #Food #HotDogs • They're made in-house | 0:00 • They're huge | 1:01 • They're 100 percent beef | 1:35 • They're not loaded with additives | 2:20 • There's lots of (free!) toppings | 2:55 • Are they profitable? | 3:33 • Read Full Article: