Build Your Own Mega Checkers DIY Backyard Games


#loweshomeimprovement #lowes #yardgames • Make the most out of your summertime fun this year with backyard games. Mega Checkers is a life size version of the classic board game that you can build and customize in an afternoon right in your backyard. • Project details: • Tools: • Jigsaw • Square shovel • Tape Measure • Lawn Mower • 9” - 10” pot for circular guide • Sand Paper • Lowe’s Pencil • Spade • Wheelbarrow • Soft Rake • Hammer • Blower • Yeti Cooler • Materials: • (32) 1’x1’ gray pavers • (3) 1”x12”x8’ pine boards • (8) Marking flags • (1) Roll marking string • (4) Stakes • (75) Gripping pads • 1() Bag sand • Paint: • (1) Qt Paint and Primer: Ultra White 7006-24 • (1) Qt Paint and Primer: Blue Tango 4007-10B • (2) 5 Gallon Lowe’s buckets • Instructions: • Step 1: Mow the Lawn • The first step is prepping your yard for the new addition. Make sure it’s freshly mowed, and the game area is properly trimmed and cleared of any debris. • Step 2: Mark the Game Board • Next, mark off the 8-foot-by-8-foot checkerboard using a tape measure, wood landscape stakes at each corner, mason string and a right angle (a carpenter's square works well). Place marking flags every 12 inches along the edges to indicate where the cement pavers will go. The 32 pavers will occupy every other space, leaving grass in the neighboring squares. Before you do any digging, dry fit the pavers to make sure the entire checkerboard is correct and perfectly square. Adjust the layout as needed and leave the pavers in place to mark where you need to dig. • Caution: • Before beginning any excavation, call 811 to check for underground utilities. • Step 3: Remove Sod • Now that the area is square and you know where each paver should go, use a square shovel and a half-moon spade to carefully remove the sod in each 1-foot-by-1-foot square. Add some sand to help level and adjust the pavers. • Step 4: Place the Pavers • Now, firmly place the pavers to form your checkerboard. If a paver is too high, gently twist it down into the sand. If it's too low, add a bit more sand to bring it to the right height. • Step 5: Make the Checker Pieces • Now that you have your life-sized board ready, it’s time to create the over-sized checker pieces. Mark a circle on for each of the 24 game pieces on a 1-inch-by-12-inch board. Use a 9- or 10 inch-diameter planting pot as a guide. Carefully cut each piece out with a jigsaw and sand the edges of the pieces as needed. • Step 6: Paint the Checker Pieces • Give your checkers personalized style by painting them with a summer color combo. We used blue and white exterior paint and primer in one (Valspar Ultra White 7006-24 and Blue Tango 4007-10B). Once the paint has dried, add three gripping pads to the bottom of each of the game pieces. They'll make it easier to pick up and move the pieces. Now you’re ready to play. • Subscribe to Lowe's YouTube: or head to our channel:    / lowes   • • For more ideas to improve your home, check out Lowe's How-To Library or our other social media channels: • Lowe's - • Facebook -   / lowes   • Twitter -   / lowes   • Pinterest -   / lowes   • Instagram -   / loweshomeimprovement  


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