Ancient Roman Lyre Music
Ode To Ancient Rome - an album of original compositions for solo lyre in the just intonation of antiquity, by Michael Levy. • Unlike ancient Greece, where at least 60 fragments of ancient Greek music have been preserved, only one pitiful shard of written music has survived from ancient Rome - a tiny measure by a Roman composer named Flaccus, wrote for the play Hecyra by Terence ( even this tiny fragment is no longer deemed to be authentic, according the musicologist Thomas J. Mathiesen) • However, since Rome borrowed so much from the culture of ancient Greece, in attempting to recreate an evocation of the lost music of ancient Rome, it is most likely that the Roman composers of antiquity also used the ancient Greek musical modes. • The piece heard in this video is Ode To Ancient Rome from which the album derives its title - an original composition for solo lyre, featuring the poignant ancient Greek Phrygian Mode, the equivalent intervals as D-D on the white notes of the piano (not to be confused with the misnamed Medieval Phriygian Mode of E-E!), performed on Kithara-style lyre in the just intonation of antiquity...... • For full details, please visit: •