Aging Gracefully—An Interview with Tao PorchonLynch


More nutrition tips and videos: • Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! • Today I have a special Motivational Monday for you and if you are curious about what you can do to live a long, healthy life and look beautiful in the process, you will not want to miss today's video. • Tao Porchon-Lynch is a world famous yoga teacher, ballroom dancer, peace activist and oenophile. At 94 years young, she still teaches regular weekly Yoga classes and regularly competes in ballroom dancing event, snagging first place as often as she competes. • Tao is an inspiration! And today, she is going to share with her thoughts on diet, the importance of the breath, how nature teaches us to live and how to banish fear. She also shares stories about her exciting life, including the time she met Ghandi! • Tao also shares with us her take on world peace and how each of us individually can help transform international policy, as well as her surprising take on drinking water. • Tao has a lot to say, so this interview is a little longer than most of my MM videos, but it is worth it! Also, towards the end, Tao is going to share with you one practice that can help eliminate negativity and bring about a feeling of oneness. • I look forward to your comments, and I know Tao will be eager to read them too! • Have a great Monday! • xo • B


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