Starting an LLC You Need an Operating Agreement
STARTING AN LLC: YOU NEED AN OPERATING AGREEMENT // • When starting an LLC, many aspiring entrepreneurs rush out to Legalzoom or their local Secretary of State's office to file their Articles of Organization, but they forget to create the most important document of all - the LLC Operating Agreement. • When forming a Limited Liability Company, the Operating Agreement is the most important yet often overlooked document you will need. This is because, unlike the Articles of Organization, in most states, you aren't required to file your Operating Agreement. And if you don't need to file it, it must not be necessary... right? WRONG! • Today's video will share with you 9 sections you must have in your LLC operating agreement. • To get a sample Operating Agreement that includes all of these sections, click here: • Need more information on starting a business? Download our cheatsheet here: • Want the Ultimate Business Building Checklist? Click here: • Some of the links below are affiliate links. If you purchase through these links, it won’t cost you any additional cash, but it will help to support my channel. Thanks! • To start your own LLC, click here: • If you need to get a hold of me, you can schedule a call using this link: • *Unless you are a legal or private coaching client, I do NOT respond to emails or contact form submissions.* • To sign up with a payroll service I use and love, click here: • I use Vidiq to optimize my videos, here is an affiliate link if you would like to support me and sign up for their free plugin: • This video is for entertainment and informational purposes ONLY and should NOT be considered legal advice. By watching a video or commenting on a video, we are not forming an attorney-client relationship. If you need specific legal advice, please ask an attorney in your state.