How To Apply Minoxidil For Best Hair Regrowth Results
Here are my 3 month results after starting Minoxidil. If you are interested in starting minoxidil I definitely recommend you check out my sponsor Keeps - • So for the last three months I started using 5% minoxidil, this is the generic for rogaine, to see if I could improve upon the results I got through the last year of using low level laser therapy. And in this video I wanted to share with you how to use it, what I experienced, kind of what you can expect and my results thus far. • So a couple things to note real quick before I show you my progress. Most men start seeing results around the 4 to 6 month period with some not seeing any results until 12 months, so I am still very early in this process. I am still using the LLLT helmet from iRestore as I have documented in previous videos in addition to using minoxidil. • So here are my results over the last 3 months... • And if you are new to my channel here is how far I’ve come since I started using both LLLT and Minoxidil 15 months ago… • Minoxidil comes in two forms, a liquid form, which you apply with a dropper, and foam form which you apply with your hands. You apply both to the crown of your head and work it into the scalp with your finger tips. • I opted to use the form form because it actually works very well as a hair product replacement. I use about this much of the product for each use. I apply it to the crown of my head, messaging it into the scalp, I also apply it to the area in front of my crown and then I rub the excess into the rest of my hair. I apply it in the morning when I wake up and at night before I go to bed. Also make sure your hair is dry before applying it, otherwise it won’t absorb into the skin correctly and will drip. • So to answer a couple of common questions you may have: • Once you start using minoxidil, do you have to keep using it forever? Yeah, kind of. Here is the thing I have learned since dealing with hair loss. Outside of a hair transplant, which you could still end up losing in time for the same reasons you are losing your now , there is no cure to baldness, it’s really about playing defence. Sure you can experience some new hair growth, I have seen that myself, but the key is to prevent the hair from falling out, which is how minoxidil helps. So if you stop taking it, naturally your hair will begin failing out again. It’s a fight against nature. The sooner you start fighting hair loss after you begin to notice it, the better your chances of keeping your hair. • And on that note, if you are looking for options, a great one is is all about hair loss prevention. Through them you are able to work with a doctor to determine what’s best for you. You get access to some of the best priced options for minoxidil and finasteride and your first doctor's visit is free, and any follow up appointments with a doctor are only $5. So if you are serious about stopping your hair loss, I’ll put their link below. • Another question I see often is “does it smell weird?” No, it’s pretty much odorless. • Does it leave a residue on your skin? No, once it has absorbed into the skin which happens pretty quickly, maybe 2 minutes or so, I couldn’t even notice it was there. • Does it cause any redness, rash, irritation or itchiness? While some may experience these symptoms, I didn’t experience any of them. • Did I experience any symptoms? The only symptom I may have experienced was the first couple of weeks I got a few very light headaches that went away within 30 minutes. To be honest, I am not sure it was even from the minoxidil as I haven’t experienced them since then. The times I had experienced them was in the evening after removing my contacts and switching to glasses which may have actually been the cause, but I wanted to mention this just in case. • Can you style your hair with it? For me using the minoxidil foam was actually like using the hair product mousse. It has a little bit of hold and allows you to have a natural style to your hair without it being all hard and crunchy like a gel. I personally really like it for styling. • Do you experience shedding when you first start using it? Yes, I experienced a little bit for a couple of weeks, nothing major, I just noticed I was losing a few more hairs than normal. For me it lasted maybe 2 to 3 weeks and it wasn’t like anyone else would have noticed. After 2 to 3 weeks it had stopped. • Overall my experience using minoxidil so far has been very positive. I’ll be back with another update in a few months to update you on my progress and if you have any questions, just let me know in the comments section below. • That’s all I have for you this this one, I will see you again in the next one. • iRestore Progress videos can be seen here - • Using Laser Hair Growth Therapy To St... • By using the sponsored links in this video you are helping to support my channel