Calcaneofibular Ankle Ligament Stress Test Video Demonstration


Dr. Ebraheim’s educational animated video describes the anatomy of the ankle ligaments. • The ankle joint is made of three bones, the tibia, the fibula and the talus. The tibia is the major bone of the lower leg which bears the majority of the body weight. At the angle, the bump of the tibia forms the medial malleolus. The fibula is the smaller of the two bone of the leg. The lateral end of the fibula forms the lateral malleolus. In the ankle joint the talus articulates with the tibia. The talus is involved in multiple movements of the foot. • There are ligaments in the ankle that provide connections between the bones. Injury to any of these ligaments may occur when the foot twists, rolls or turns beyond its normal motion. An ankle sprain is a common injury that occurs in sports as basketball and soccer. • The deltoid ligament is on the medial side. It is formed of four parts: anterior tibiotalar part, tibionavicular part, tibiocalcaneal part and the posterior tibiotalar. The superficial deltoid arises from the anterior colliculus. The deep deltoid arises form the posterior colliculus and the intercollicular groove. The deltoid ligament is the main stabilizer of the ankle joint during the stance phase. The deltoid ligament is rarely injured by itself and it is usually associated with fractures. • There are 3 lateral ligaments of the ankle joint: • The anterior talofibular ligament (weakest): origin: 10 mm proximal to the tip of the fibula. Extends from the anterior inferior border of the fibula to the neck of the talus. • The posterior talofibular ligament ( strongest): origin from the posterior border of the fibula. Inserts into posterolateral tubercle of the talus • Calcaneofibular ligament: origin anterior border of the fibula 1 cm proximal to the distal tip. Inserts into the calcaneus distal to the subtalar joint and deep to the peroneal tendon sheath. The lateral ligaments are the most commonly injured ligaments in the ankle. • The ligament of the syndesmosis • •Anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament • •Interosseous ligament • •Posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament • The connection of the tibia and fibula is called the syndesmosis. • High ankle sprain = syndesmosis injury 5-10%. Injury of the ligaments above the ankle. • Become a friend on facebook: •   / drebraheim   • Follow me on twitter: •!/DrEbraheim_UTMC


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