How to Fill out the B13 Export Declaration
Welcome to our “30 Seconds on Shipping” video series, brought to you by Great Circle International, • Today we are going to looking at filing the B13 Export Declaration for Canadian Exports. • As we have discussed, the B13 declaration is an electronic form that is filed with Statistics Canada for all shipments that have a value greater than $2,000 Canadian. • The form has to be submitted electronically through a program called CAED or Canadian Automated Export Declaration. • Always be sure you have the most up to date version of the software as it does get updated. • In order to submit the B13 you will need an authorization code from Statistics Canada, the shipper, the consignee, the nature and value of the goods, and date and method of export from Canada. • This has been Richard Shepard from Great Circle International. • If you have any questions or if you would like any help with your freight, please email us call us, or connect with us on social media. • As always, have a great day! • Call us today at 1 (877) 441-6619 or visit our website at to get your shipments moving quickly. • Disclaimer: The information provided is intended solely to provide general guidance on matters of interest for the person use of the viewer, who accepts full responsibility for its use.