Mrシャーデンフロイデ 逆再生
This is a listening test in Japanese. • As an aside, at 00:23~00:29 the newspaper on the wall and floor says World War 4 . • Original video • • 【ボカロ8人】Mr.シャーデンフロイデ【オリジナルMV】 • • 0:00 [Unprocessed] • 0:17 [Voice enhancement processing] • 00:19 yatto imo-taru ga kannsei ? Is the immortal finally completed? • 00:21 shinitakunai to sakebu kare wo He shouts that he doesn't want to die • 00:23 syukumei wo ou Carry a destiny on your back • 00:25 ima deha, eienn no inoti ga kurusii to Now, eternal life is suffering • 00:28 migatteni Selfishly • 00:29 watasi wo uramu none You have a grudge against me 00:25~29 (Now, you are selfishly grudge against me, that eternal life is suffering.) • • ※I'm sorry. Everything is machine translated.... • I tried to make the meaning as close to the Japanese as possible, and as a result, the grammar may have gone wrong....