Corespinning Yarn A New Technique Tutorial Expertly Dyed
Learn how to choose the right core yarn for corespinning, how to hold your hands, and learn my own technique for getting the fiber secured to the core yarn without the yarn feeling hard or cord-like. Produce beautiful, artistic, airy corespun yarn every time! • Tools needed: • carded batt (preferable, but you can use hand-teased dyed top)--use a batt which is mostly wool for your first few hanks of corespun yarn • core yarn: acrylic or wool, just no silk or cotton--must be a plied yarn • spinning wheel: for this demonstration, I used a wheel--you can also do this with a spindle • To put into words how to do my corespinning technique: • 1. Hold the core yarn taught straight out from the orfice • 2. Hold the fiber 90 degrees from the core yarn • 3. Start treadling, and as the spin goes into the core yarn, it will grab the wispy ends of the fiber • 4. When this happens, pull back on the fiber gently and only slightly, then allow the fiber to wrap onto the core yarn (this will ensure that the fiber has gripped the core yarn and will not move once the fiber is wrapped around the yarn) • 5. Keep doing this process for the full length of the yarn • If you want to see more, please subscribe to my channel: • / expertlydyed • Email: [email protected] • Blog: • Etsy: • Facebook: / expertlydyed • Twitter: / jenniferbeamer2 • Pinterest: / edexpertlydyed • Instagram: / expertlydyed