Breuddwyd Glyndwr Brythonic music set to ancient British imagery
Two pieces, one Welsh (Plethyn's "Breuddwyd Glyndwr") and one Breton (Denez Prigent performing "Iwan Gamus") set to a variety of images that tries to evoke t...
Plethyn (Musical Group), Plethyn, Denez Prigent (Musical Artist), Denez Prigent, Breuddwyd Glyndwr, Iwan Gamus, Gwerz, Welsh music, Welsh folk music, Welsh traditional music, Breton music, Wales music, Breton folk music, Breton traditional music, Celtic Music (Musical Genre), Brittany music, Ancient Britain, Brythonic, Britons, Brittonic Languages, Mabinogion (Written Work), British mythology