La Flamme Le Bêtisier partie 13


(reported elsewhere on YouTube to be from April 16, 1962) • Jonathan Winters, himself a World War II US Marine, leads a small platoon of Marine recruiting sergeants in close-order drill on the I've Got a Secret program on CBS TV. After a short monologue, Winters then challenges each of the members of the I've Got a Secret panel to issue commands to move the Marines to another location on the stage and regroup them. Some hilarity ensues. • For those who are too young to remember the original I've Got a Secret Program , the host was Garry Moore; and, the panel members were Betsy Palmer, Henry Morgan, Bess Myerson and, substituting for regular panelist Bill Cullen, Merv Griffin. • PS: One of the reasons I posted this was because I was a member of a national collegiate champion Pershing Rifles drill team from Pennsylvania Military College (PMC) in Chester, PA. If you'd like to see more precision drill at a faster pace, take a look at this 7-minute mini documentary that I prepared for the PMC Museum:    • Video  


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