Andrew Roberts Churchill Revisionism


Andrew Roberts’ biography of Sir Winston Churchill became a Sunday Times and New York Times bestseller and won the ICS Churchill Award for Literacy and the Council on Foreign Relations’ Arthur Ross Prize. ‘In a single volume,’ Henry Kissinger wrote of it, ‘Roberts has captured the essence of one of the world’s most impactful, most memorable statesmen. ‘It is the crowning achievement of his career – and it will become the definitive biography of his subject.’ Here, he speaks to History Reclaimed on the subject of ‘Churchill Revisionism”. • About History Reclaimed • Our Mission • The abuse of history for political purposes is as old as history itself. In recent years, we have seen campaigns to rewrite the history of several democratic nations in a way that undermines their solidarity as communities, their sense of achievement, even their very legitimacy. • These ‘culture wars’, pursued in the media, in public spaces, in museums, universities, schools, civil services, local government, business corporations and even churches, are particularly virulent in North America, Australasia and the United Kingdom. Activists assert that ‘facing up’ to a past presented as overwhelmingly and permanently shameful and guilt-laden is the way to a better and fairer future. We see no evidence that this is true. On the contrary, tendentious and even blatantly false readings of history are creating or aggravating divisions, resentments, and even violence. We do not take the view that our histories are uniformly praiseworthy—that would be absurd. But we reject as equally absurd the claim that they are essentially shameful. • We agree that history consists of many opinions and many voices. But this does not mean that all opinions are valid, and certainly none should be imposed as a new orthodoxy. We intend to challenge distortions of history, and to provide context, explanation and balance in a debate in which dogmatism is too often preferred to analysis, and condemnation to understanding. • Who We Are • We are an independent group of scholars with a wide range of opinions on many subjects, but with the shared conviction that history requires careful interpretation of complex evidence, and should not be a vehicle for facile propaganda. We have established the History Reclaimed group as a non-profit making company limited by guarantee. • Visit our website - • Donate to the channel -


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