Latest From Apostle Kathryn Krick
This is Austin’s powerful testimony of what Jesus has done in His life: • “When I moved to LA for college, I graduated and found myself overcome with diseases, heavy metal poisoning, mental health crisis, and I was in desperate need of direction and healing from God. I couldn’t find His presence no matter how much I searched. I cried out to Him for help and surrendered everything deeper than ever before, and around that time I found @apostlekathrynkrick’s ministry through an interview with Isaiah Saldivar. I googled her church and found out it was only 40 mins away! • After visiting as a skeptic for only the second time, I received deliverance from diseases and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It felt like electricity surged through my body for about an hour as I laid on the ground. I didn’t want to get up because I didn’t want to miss any of what God was doing. • I remember after that service going home to read my Bible and the following weeks, my eyes had opened up like never before to the person of Jesus, as I read the word of God . I could see him! • After two more months of going to the hospital and trying to get healed my own way, I decided to return to @FiveFoldChurch and plant myself and begin serving where his power was moving. I decided that God would be my doctor in my physician and not the medical community that failed me so many times and couldn’t tell me what was wrong with me. • After nine months of having come to @FiveFoldChurch, I was completely free of all generational curses, demons, and demonic yokes upon my life. For the first time in my life, I was truly free! I didn’t have demons trying to convince me to sin or to do my own thing in this life, I was fully surrendered after that point. Looking back now, that point was 3 years ago, and I’ve been completely on fire, serving God, in this revival ever since. • I can live freely, and serve Him like I was made to without being attacked all the time by the devil to slow me down. Now I can enter into abundant life the way it was meant to be. • All Glory to God!” • -Austin R • . • . • . • #testimony #healing #freedom #deliverance #revival #myrevivaltestimony #faith #Jesus #God #believe #jesusheals #free #revivalisnow #5f