Trending BrideGrooms mother and aunt wedding dress
Once upon a time, mothers of the bride were expected to wear simple dress. But that's in the past. Now the trend has changed. In the present era, mother of bride and groom used to wear up to the trend attire, complementimg the wedding party's color. • Bride and groom's mother has most important role in whole wedding event. All family members and relatives have a special eye on the mother of bride and groom. That's why she remains conscious about the right dress selection and design according to latest fashion trends. • Here is the collection of wedding dresses for Bride and groom's mother. Here are also the dresses for bride/groom's aunt that remains in front members of wedding function. These dresses can give you color hint and help you choosing the right design and style according to latest trends. Hope you will like it. Don't forget to subscribe and share this video. • . • . • . • . • . • . • . • #motherweddingdress #bridemotherdress #groommotherdress #flairystyles #weddingtrends #fashiontrends #latestweddingwear