Why does दीमक blast happen Dont Miss This shorts termiteexplode
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Why does दीमक blast happen? ( Don't Miss This) #shorts #termiteexplode • The team tested the effectiveness of the toxins by dabbing a drop of fluid on the bodies of enemy termite species. They compared the blue liquid of the older workers (containing the crystals and products of the salivary gland), the liquid with the blue crystals removed, salivary fluid from younger workers, and the same fluid with blue crystals added. They found the most toxic was the blue liquid from the older workers, and next in line was young workers’ salivary fluid mixed with blue crystals. • The study also demonstrated that the number and size of the blue pouches increased with the workers’ age. The workers’ capacity to do other work such as gathering food diminishes with age, and as they become less useful to the colony in other ways, and less able to defend the colony using their jaws, their capacity to act as suicidal defenders of the colony increases along with their willingness to sacrifice themselves. • Suicidal explosive behavior has been seen before in termites, but the contents of the intestine are usually expelled rather than toxins as found in the N. taracua termites, and the enemy termites are usually inconvenienced and slowed down rather than killed. • • keywords • termite treatment • termite • termite gamer • termite queen • termites blast • termites eating wood • termite colony • termite treatment in Hindi • termites vs ants • termites bsc 3rd year • termite protection for new construction • termite protection for wood • termite protection • termite protection around house • termite protection diy • termite protection worth it • termite protection new build • termite protection installation • termite protection new concrete slab