Calling Avalokiteshvara’s Name Rescues the Faithful from all Harm Lotus Sutra short
FROM LOTUS SUTRA, Chapter 25: Good Son, if any of the Limitless myriads of innumerable living beings who are undergoing all kinds of suffering hear of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva and recite his name single-mindedly Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva will immediately hear their voices and rescue them. If a person who upholds the name of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva is in danger from a great fire the fire will not burn him, all because of this Bodhisattva's awesome spiritual power. If a person being tossed about in the great flood calls out the Bodhisattva's name he will find a shallow place. -- Shakyamuni Buddha, Lotus Sutra Chapter 25 • FOR THE FULL SUTRA, a short recitation, see our full video: • Avalokiteshvara Universal Gate Sutra ...