Unclaimed Money How to Search States Individually for Missing Money

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Host Elisabeth Leamy on how to search for unclaimed money in each state individually on a FREE website. More unclaimed money tips, subscribe to Easy Money: http://apple.co/2tpUY6v. • Easy Money podcast host Elisabeth Leamy (Good Morning America, The Washington Post, Dr. Oz) gives you a step-by-step tour of the SECOND website you should search for unclaimed money. Unclaimed money, also called unclaimed property, is YOUR money that’s gone missing. Things like final paychecks you never picked up, tax refunds that got lost in the mail and life insurance policies from deceased loved ones. All you need in order to search is your name and address. • The free website Elisabeth profiles here can be used to search ANY state individually for unclaimed money. • PODCAST TRANSCRIPT: • IN LESS THAN 5 MINUTES, YOU CAN SEARCH 40 DIFFERENT STATES FOR UNCLAIMED MONEY ON A WEBSITE CALLED MISSINGMONEY.COM. ALL YOU NEED IS YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS. IT’S EASY, IT’S FREE AND IT’S FUN! ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU FIND SOMETHING! I’VE POSTED INSTRUCTIONS AND EVEN A STEP-BY-STEP VIDEO AT EASYMONEYSHOW.COM/01 SO YOU CAN SEE HOW EASY IT IS AND TRY IT. • BUT WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER 10 STATES? YES, THERE ARE 10 STATES THAT HAVE CHOSEN NOT TO PARTICIPATE WITH MISSINGMONEY.COM. HOW DO YOU SEARCH FOR UNCLAIMED MONEY THAT THEY MAY BE HOLDING? THOSE STATES ARE: Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Oregon, South Carolina and Wyoming —SO SOME MAJOR places. I MEAN, CALIFORNIA HAS, BY FAR, THE BIGGEST POPULATION OF ANY STATE. • I TOLD MY NEIGHBOR SPENCER ABOUT UNCLAIMED.ORG, (.org not .com!!!) A WEBSITE WHERE YOU CAN SEARCH STATES INDIVIDUALLY, KNOWING THAT, LIKE ME, HE’S A NATIVE CALIFORNIAN. AND, IN MINUTES HE FOUND A MYSTERIOUS ACCOUNT. • SPENCER: • “Then I remembered, in college I was pledging a fraternity. There was a fraternity brother who was selling life insurance… whole life insurance. So if you were gonna be a good Sig Ep, you know, you could buy this insurance policy.” • ELISABETH: • “How could you afford it though?” • SPENCER: • “Well, I was working at the time. I worked my way through college.” • ELISABETH: • “Doing what?” • SPENCER: • “Well I was a professional musician in Southern California.” • A MUSICIAN IN A BAND THAT OUTSOLD THE BEATLES ONE YEAR IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA! • SPENCER: • “And then, shall we say, it didn’t work out with the fraternity. If you didn't have peanut butter under your armpits, you couldn't be a brother. And I said, no, you’re not supposed to be doing hazing and they said, you’re out of here. So I dropped the policy.” • BUT SINCE HE’D PAID ON THE POLICY FOR A COUPLE OF YEARS, IT HAD A CASH VALUE… AND ENDED UP AS UNCLAIMED MONEY. • SPENCER: • “$654.12!” • ELISABETH: • “Wow, this is good!” • SPENCER: • “This is great I feel like this money’s just rolling in like manna from heaven or something.” • ELISABETH: • “What are you gonna do with the money?” • SPENCER: • “Well, I’ve already spent it! I bought artwork for our house that I wouldn't have bought otherwise and we’re gonna enjoy it for years to come, the result of you and this unclaimed property that we didn’t know was there.” • if you, LIKE SPENCER, HAVE lived in any of thE ten states THAT YOU HAVE TO SEARCH INDIVIDUALLY, YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY CHECK IT OUT. THOSE STATES AGAIN ARE: Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Oregon, South Carolina and Wyoming. • but even if you haven’t LIVED IN ANY OF THOSE STATES, you may still want to SEARCH THEIR UNCLAIMED MONEY/UNCLAIMED PROPERTY DATABASE, reason being: unclaimed money is usually held in the citizen’s state of residence, but not always! sometimes it’s held where the bank or other financial firm is based. and corporations can be based almost anywhere. hello, delaware! IT’S one of the 10, and it’s OFTEN called the “corporate capital of the world!” • OK, SO HOPEFULLY I’VE CONVINCED YOU THAT YOU SHOULD SEARCH. NOW WHERE DO YOU SEARCH FOR UNCLAIMED MONEY HELD BY THESE 10 STATES? FORTUNATELY, THERE IS A SINGLE WEBSITE THAT ACTS AS A PORTAL TO ALL OF THEM AND THAT WEBSITE IS UNCLAIMED.ORG. PLEASE PEOPLE! TAKE NOTE THAT THAT’S DOT ORG, NOT DOT COM OR YOU WILL END UP ON A PAY SITE THAT CHARGES YOU MONEY TO SEARCH. YOU SHOULD NEVER HAVE TO PAY TO SEARCH FOR YOUR OWN UNCLAIMED MONEY. IF YOU FIND SOMETHING, LET ME KNOW! I’D LOVE TO FEATURE YOU ON THE SHOW!


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