Carpentry Repair Fascia and Soffit
This carpentry repair included wood fascia and soffit installation. Over time, water can seep behind the gutters if they are not kept clean. This will result in rotten fascia and rotten soffit. Other common areas for decay are the bottoms of door jams. • These repairs are cosmetic but if left without repair they can spread to the rafter tails and create opening for pests to enter your attic space. This can also create an issue for mold to spread inside of your home and attract termites. • Replacing soffit can be done by a fascia repair handyman or a hiqh quality house painter that specializes in exterior painting. Wood fascia paint should only be applied to fascia that is not rotten. • Carpentry repair fascia and soffit is a common project when houses are left unpainted for many years. This video includes carpentry repairs of replacing fascia and replacing soffit before and after. Replacing fascia and soffit is necessary when wood is rotten. Wood fascia repair is typical on wood fascia corners. Wood soffit replacement and wood soffit installation will keep your attic space sealed. • #carpentryrepair #exteriorpainting #beforeandafter