Reply to AmanDhattarwal
If you are against Teacher Poaching share this #StopTeacherPoaching movement on WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube. Sharing 2 images for you all to share as DP, Status and Story: • Round Image link : • Square image link : • Teacher Poaching is one of the biggest wrongs in education right now. eSaral is against such unethical practices. eSaral took a stand against poaching 3 months ago. You can watch complete story from the following links: • 1. Paise Walo का घिनौना सच | क्यों बच्चों का Career बर्बाद करने में लगे हो 😡😡 • Paise Walo का घिनौना सच | क्यों बच्चो... • 2. eSaral Reply to @Physics Wallah - Alakh Pandey sir • Our Reply • 3. दोबारा ये क्यों @Physics Wallah - Alakh Pandey Sir ? • दोबारा ये क्यों PhysicsWallah Sir ? • 4. सारी बातों का असली सच with PROOF | eSaral • Teacher Poaching का असली सच with PROO... • Teachers were poached again and career of thousands of students is again in jeopardy. • eSaral faced this situation few months back and now Aman Dhattarawal (Apni Kaksha) is facing the same. Recently Aman Dhattarawal shared a video on youtube for the same issue “Aman Dhattarwal reply to Physics Wallah - Alakh Pandey”