Urinary System Part 1 Crash Course Anatomy amp Physiology 38
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See more @ http://www.cteskills.com • The Urinary, or Excretory System is another system by which the body rids itself of unwanted Toxins or (waste). Basically, the urinary system’s main purpose is to maintain the body’s “homeostasis”. In other words, the urinary system’s main function is to maintain the body’s acid-base balance. • It is important to know, the human organism was meant to stay healthy and systems such as the urinary, digestive, skin, and other vital organ systems were created for that purpose. They are designed to keep the body healthy and able to withstand diseases. But if the load of Toxins and/or waste is greater than what these systems can handle, guess what happens. You can learn more about this, by watching CTE skills’ “Introduction to the Cell” and see how disease is created. • In this introductory video on the urinary system however, we’ll just be taking a look at • The purpose of the Urinary System • The structures that make it up • The functions of each • And how they work together to maintain balance in the body • Urinary, Urinary System, Excretory, Excretory System, waste, toxins, kidneys, ureters, bladder, ureter, kidney, urethra, Urethra meatus, cortex, glomerulus, bowman's capsule, proximal convoluted tubule, distal convoluted tubule, collecting duct, medulla, renal pelvis, rugae, urine, adrenal glands, cte, career, technical, education, video, training, stem, health science, anatomy, physiology, body, health,