DLIMC November Cassingle

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=Ckhbhe0d82w

Looky-looky at who delivered. No, not me. • Erik Hart, err, Erik Nervous, hooked ya boi up with his tape rip of D.L.I.M.C.'s November cassingle. I missed out completely when it was released with Lumpy Records, so I'm crazy psyched to have access to this now, and I'm sure many of you are just as hyped for a rip to be up on the innernette. If you don't know about D.L.I.M.C. yet, you're way behind dude. Check out their other cassingles on my channel and dig in. Mark's infectious tunes are seriously outta this world, so hurry up and dive into this happy-not-so-happy tongue-in-check punk goodness. Both I Hope B.P. Explodes and Wicker Park are absolute hits. • TRACK LIST: • I Hope B.P. Explodes - 0:00 • Wicker Park - 2:21 • DOWNLOAD: http://www.mediafire.com/download/l5u...


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