How to grow brinjalplanteggplant katharikka from brinjal fruit seeds 😋 🍆🍆đŸĒ´đŸ˜â™Ĩī¸


â€Ē@Shy-k75â€Ŧ How to# grow #brinjalplant|#eggplant |#katharikka from #brinjal fruit 😋 🍆🍆đŸĒ´đŸ˜ • In this vedio I'm going show you how to grow # brinjal plant from brinjal fruit..It is very #simple and easy ,kindly #subscribe and follow my channel My garden tours for more gardening #growingveg ideas and tips as well as updates. • Music , Audio Library youtube. • #Eggplant is usually grown as an annual and features an erect #bushy stem that is sometimes armed with spines. The leaves are large, ovate, and slightly lobed. The pendant violet flowers are characteristically solitary and approximately 5 cm (2 inches) across. The #fruit is a large egg-shaped berry with a glossy surface that varies in colour from dark purple to red, pink, yellowish, or white and is sometimes striped; the colour and shape of the white variety is the source of the common name.eggplant, (Solanum melongena), tender perennial plant of the nightshade family (Solanaceae), grown for its edible fruits. Eggplant requires a warm climate and has been cultivated in its native Southeast Asia since remote antiquity. A staple in cuisines of the Mediterranean region, eggplant figures • Back in the 1700s, the Europeans observed these white varieties of brinjals which resembled eggs of goose/chicken. Thus, they started calling brinjal with the name 'eggplant'. Eventually this name became popular in the English language and became a synonym of brinjal.


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