Demons Souls Early Soul Farming Guide
Check out our written guide here: • More Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Sekiro, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring guides, tips, and news at • Demon's Souls Remake, Dark Souls, Scholar of the First Sin, Bloodborne, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, and Elden Ring guides, walkthroughs, tips, and news at • This is a guide on how to farm souls in Demon's Souls Remake in the early game. If done correctly, you can easily farm 600,000 souls an hour. This is THE strongest early game soul farming spot in Demon's Souls. All you need is access to the 4-2 Adjudicator Archstone and a decent bow. Head straight and take out the Storm Beast using 1-2 arrows. Then turn around and head into the cave. Use your bow to land 4-6 arrows into the Reaper enemy, which in turn will eliminate all the other enemies in the room. This cycle will yield 7K+ souls in just over a minute and is easily repeatable. There is no better way to farm early game souls in Demon's Souls Remake. Make sure to bring a bow that is moderately upgraded (around +5-6). I prefer the Compound Longbow for this, but feel free to use whatever bow you have available. • Conveniently, the Graverobber Blige sells arrows so you do not even need to head back to the Nexus! For extra souls while you are farming, equip the Silver Bracelet. Only female characters can equip. To get the Silver Bracelet in Demon's Souls Remake, head to 3-1 (Tower of Latria). When equipped, it gives you a 10% bonus to souls gained! Your World Tendency will also affect how many souls you acquire per enemy defeated. We have a full guide on World Tendency here: