Transformer Oil Processing
More details - Transformer Oil Processing in Kuwait. June 11-12, 2016 GlobeCore engineers commissioned a CMM-4/7 degassing unit and a BV-1000 vacuum unit on a new transformer substation in Kuwait (Kuwait city). • The practice of introducing a system, consisting of several pieces of equipment, is common in the electrical energy industry. It solves several problems at the same time. • The CMM-4/7 evacuates power transformers, purifies insulating oils and removes particulate impurities, water and gas. This equipment can be operated in heating and vacuum degassing modes. The processing rate in heating and filtration mode is 7 m3 / hour, and is 4 m3 / h in degassing mode. • GlobeCore recommends to use a TSS system for safe and secure connection during oil processing. In emergency situations (oil leaks, changes of oil level, false relay trippings, etc.) the TSS system disconnects the transformer from the CMM unit. • The BV-1000 vacuum unit is used for evacuation of air, non-corrosive gases, vapors and steam mixtures from a vacuum system at the rate of 1000 m3 / hour. This equipment creates vacuum in the transformer tank, which dries electrical equipment. An important advantage of the BV-1000 is that it can be used together with transformer oil degassing units. • The testing and commissioning of the units in Kuwait were performed in hot weather, with air temperature close to + 50 ° C, but GlobeCore equipment coped with its tasks perfectly. • More about equipment for transformer oil processing: • Visit our groups in the social networks: • / globecoregmbh • / globecore • / globecorecom •