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The tongue, lips and cheeks are muscles. And just like other muscles in the body, we can do exercises to help them become stronger and more coordinated. Oral motor exercises should be tailored to your baby’s specific needs. These exercises were done specifically for this baby who is struggling to coordinate the muscles of smooth sucking. His suck is chompy and unorganized. His tongue pulls back and there is a lot of biting at the breast. This is not medical advice or an exercise program tailored for your baby and should not be seen as medical advice or recommendations. If you are struggling with breastfeeding, book your virtual or in-person consultation with Me at • For a full, comprehensive course on everything parents need to know about tongue and lip ties, enroll in Tied Untied today at • If you’re a health care provider, consider taking the provider course I am teach for, Infant Frenectomy Protocol spearheaded by the amazing Dr Chelsea Pinto, DDS found here: https://www.infantfrenectomyprotocol.... • #babymassage #oralmotorexercises • #sucktraining • #tonguetie