The Raceless Antiracist by Sheena Michele Mason BOOK TRAILER


Book Trailer for The Raceless Antiracist: Why Ending Race Is the Future of Antiracism by Dr. Sheena Michele Mason (published by Pitchstone) • What if the key to ending racism lies in abolishing the belief in human races and practice of racialization or assigning races to the human species? Dr. Sheena Michele Mason introduces a bold new way forward with her groundbreaking work, The Raceless Antiracist: Why Ending Race Is the Future of Antiracism. • In a world where the causes and effects of antiblack race/ism persist, The Raceless Antiracist challenges us to think differently to imagine and then create a world without it. Mason presents the togetherness wayfinder, formerly the theory of racelessness, a toolkit that is comprised of tenets, language, information, concepts, philosophies, and a translator. The togetherness wayfinder enables more people to clearly identify the causes and effects of race/ism in order to uproot and destroy it. • Filled with insights from Africana studies, history, philosophy, literary studies, and the social sciences, Mason’s The Raceless Antiracist offers practical tools to dismantle the illusion of race and envision and make a future where everyone is rightly humanized and where humans see themselves and each other as commonly biological alongside all other beings. • It’s a revolutionary lens, rooted in compassion, truth, imagination, and the desire to create a world without white supremacy and antiblackness. • The Raceless Antiracist is for educators, activists, and anyone ready to embrace the future of social justice and antiracism. Are you ready to walk the path toward true equity and shared humanity? • Join the movement. Discover The Raceless Antiracist: Why Ending Race Is the Future of Antiracism. Together, we can end race/ism. • We cannot skip to the good part... • PREORDER THE RACELESS ANTIRACIST: WHY ENDING RACE IS THE FUTURE OF ANTIRACISM: • Dr. Sheena Mason has a solution to some of the divisiveness caused by racism: the togetherness wayfinder. • ORDER DR. MASON'S FIRST BOOK: THEORY OF RACELESSNESS: A CASE FOR ANTIRACE(ISM) • SUPPORT DR. MASON'S EFFORTS: • PATREON:   / sheenamason   • JOIN THE DISCORD:   / discord   • CONNECT WITH DR. MASON: • TWITTER:   / sheenamasonphd     / racelessness   • FACEBOOK:   / theoryofrace.  . • WEBSITE: • We hope you enjoy this dialogue. There is so much more to come. • Dr. Mason wishes you all love, light, and liberation. • #SheenaMason #TheoryofRacelessness #Togethernesswayfinder


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