Baby Flares Learn to Flare
If you love flares but don't know where to start, Andrea James Lui will set you on the right path! In this full-length workshop you'll learn several very accessible flares with clear guidance from the amazing Andrea. And if you love this workshop, keep your eyes open for our upcoming “Advanced Flares” workshop, where you can take your new knowledge to the next level! AND if you want further guidance on flare technique and conditioning for the beginner flare-lover, don't forget to try our FLARE FOUNDATIONS workshop: • Flare Foundations - How to start your...  • Love this workshop? Let us give you more! Join our Monday Pole Motivator email list and we'll send you a new workshop or tutorial every week AND exclusive invites to LIVE monthly online workshops, totally FREE! Join the Monday Pole Motivator email list here: • And don't forget you can get hundreds of tutorials, breakdowns on moves and combos, pole choreography, and tons of workshops on our poledance training platform POLESPHERE - the pole studio in your pocket! FREE 5-day trial - no catch, cancel any time, not credit card required: • #PoleSphere #poledance #pdflare #poledancing #polefitness #AJLpole #pddynamics