The Cow La Vache 2016 Trailer English Subs
Directed by : Mohamed Hamidi • Produced by : Yume - Quad Films, Kiss Films • Genre: Fiction - Runtime: 1 h 31 min • French release: 17/02/2016 • Production year: 2015 • Fatah, an Algerian farmer, only has eyes for his cow Jacqueline, who he dreams of bringing to Paris for the Agricultural Fair. When he receives the precious invitation, to the amazement of his whole village, this man who has never left the countryside, takes the boat to Marseilles and crosses France by foot, heading for the fair at the Porte de Versailles. • It is an opportunity for Fatah and Jacqueline to go from encounters to surprises, and to live a human adventure made up of great moments of mutual help and crazy laughter. An unexpected journey and one full of tenderness in today's France. • More info: