how to get skinny in 1 day for a kid
how to get skinny in 1 day for a kid • ▶▶ Discover How One Woman Discovered the Female Fat-Loss Code SECRET • ▶▶ • • 1. Eating Right • Ask your parents to take you to see a doctor. • Before you make any changes to the way you eat, you should talk to a doctor. Your doctor can help you to determine how much (if any) weight you need to lose. Your doctor can also help you make a healthy weight loss plan and track your progress. • Your doctor may also refer you to a dietitian, who can design a healthy eating plan for you. • Pick lean meats and other proteins. • When you're deciding on a meal, stick to leaner meats. For instance, steak, hamburgers, and other red meats are often high in fat (though not always). Better choices are chicken, fish, and beans. • Load up on fruits and vegetables. • If you're hungry often, try reaching for fruits and vegetables instead of prepackaged snacks. Snack on celery sticks with natural peanut butter, carrot sticks, or an apple instead of cookies, chips, or cake • Try to pick whole grains. • Whole grains are foods like whole wheat pasta, whole wheat bread, whole cornmeal, brown rice, and oatmeal. On the other hand, refined grains are foods like white rice, white bread, and regular pasta. Whole grains are better for you because they are less refined and have more fiber. That means they'll keep you fuller for longer. • Pick low-fat or no-fat dairy. • Dairy is a good source of calcium and protein. It can also add flavor to your food. However, when picking dairy products, stick to low-fat or no-fat products, such as skim milk, low-fat cheese, and fat-free yogurt. • Skip sugary drinks. • Sugary drinks can add many calories to your day. Try to avoid drinks such as sports drinks, sodas, and juices. Instead, stick with water or even unsweetened herbal tea. • Pay attention to how much you eat. • It's tempting to eat until your plate is empty. However, if you pay attention to when you get full, you'll end up eating much less overall. • Avoid high-calorie foods. • While eating a cookie every once in a while is fine, try to skip eating high-calorie foods every day. These foods include things like cookies, cakes, candies, chips, and burgers. Make these a treat, not something you eat each day. • 2. Getting Active • Think about playing a sport. • You don't need to be on your school's hugely competitive basketball team to play a sport. You can join an after school club that plays soccer, or join a league through your city's local parks and recreation department. Ask your parents to help you find a sport you enjoy. Playing a sport will get you moving on a regular basis, and you can have fun doing it. • Try something new. • Maybe you haven't liked exercising in the past because of what you've been doing. So maybe tennis isn't really your thing. You have plenty of other options. Try dancing, swimming, or jump roping, for instance. Even something like archery or horseback riding gets you out and moving. • Take active breaks. • Even small actions can lead up to more activity throughout the day. For instance, when you take a break from studying, maybe you usually just listen to music for a bit or play a short game. Instead, get up and have a short dance party. Run downstairs or around the living room. Do some jumping jacks. Just adding these little bursts of activity can help. • 3. Practicing Healthy Habits • Don't skip breakfast. • Breakfast gives you enough energy to start your day. Plus, when you eat breakfast, you won't be as hungry later. That means you won't be as tempted to snack throughout the day • Get enough sleep. • This step is easy, though it can be hard if you're busy or a night owl. Basically, getting enough sleep can help you be healthier and lose weight. If you're in school, you need to get 9 to 11 hours every night. • Take time to de-stress. • Let's face it, life as a kid can be tough sometimes. You've got school and friends and family to deal with. But stress can also make you gain or keep on weight. You're not going to make stress go away completely, but you can learn ways to cope with it. • Decide what you want to change. • You now know what habits in your life you need to work on. One way to start changing is to set goals to help you achieve that. For instance, maybe you want to eat healthier or move more. • Understand it takes patience. • You won't change all your habits overnight. Even changing one habit can take a while. Just keep working at it, and eventually, you'll have new, healthier habits. Once you've changed one or two habits, you can work on other ones. • • -------------- • Original Source: • This presentation contains images that were used under a Creative Commons License. Click here to see the full list of images and attributions: •