SUPERSAURUS the jurassic period
Supersaurus lived about 155 to 145 million years ago, during the late Jurassic period. Its name means super lizard . And it was! Supersaurus is one of the longest and largest land animals ever discovered. It was first found in 1972. Before it was discovered, people believed that Apatosaurus was the largest of the sauropods. But Supersaurus was even bigger. It was a huge dinosaur with a long neck and a long, whip-like tail. It grew to be about 138 feet long and 54 feet tall. This is about the size of an airplane. • DinosaurDays is an entertaining, visually stunning and challenging app for iPad ( or android tablet ( There is also a pocket version for iPhone ( and Android Smartphone ( See the website (www.dinosaurdays) for details! This resource tells the story about the rise and fall of the dinosaurs. DinosaurDays is for children aged 7-11 and can be used at home or at school as a supplemental learning tool. DinosaurDays was designed especially for girls. For teachers and home teachers, there is an extensive curriculum, background material, printable pages and a users' guide. • Other dinosaurs... • ARCHEOPTERYX: • ARCHAEOPTERYX - the jurassic period • DATING FOSSILS: • FOSSILS: how fossils are dated • DESMATOSUCHUS: • DESMATOSUCHUS - the triassic period • EORAPTOR: • EORAPTOR - the triassic period • MAIASAUR: • MAIASAUR - the cretaceous period • SALTOPUS: • SALTOPUS: the triassic period • STEGOSAURUS: • STEGOSAURUS - the jurassic period • SUPERSAURUS: • SUPERSAURUS - the jurassic period • TRICERATOPS: • TRICERATOPS - the cretaceous period • TYRANNOSAURUS REX: • TYRANNOSAURUS REX: the cretaceous period • WHAT ARE FOSSILS? • WHAT'S A FOSSIL? • WHAT IS EVOLUTION? • WHAT IS EVOLUTION? • WHAT IS PALEONTOLOGY? • WHAT IS PALEONTOLOGY?