Cablevey HVH STRAIGHT 720 4” Diameter Tube Conveyor Systems
Our most popular sizea 4” Diameter Tube conveyor system, dubbed the “workhorse,” gently conveys whole bean roasted coffee, raw peanuts, seeds and grains. • Conveys up to 525 Ft3 (14.87 M3)/hour • Gentle material handling • Easy to clean and maintain • Whether looking for a system replacement or addition, trying to save energy or cut down on waste, our cable, disc and tube conveyors can help solve your most pressing problems. • Cablevey tube conveyor uses have spanned the globe to convey almost 1,000 types of materials in over 66 countries. Our equipment services many of the largest food processing companies in both the United States and abroad. • Visit our website: • Follow us on: • Facebook: / cableveyconveyors • Instagram: / cableveyconveyors • Twitter: / cableveyc • LinkedIn: / cablevey-conveyors • • • #cablevey #conveyors #conveyor #conveyorbelts #conveyorsystems #conveyorbeltsushi • #conveyorbeltsushi #conveyorbelcoffee #conveyorbelnuts #conveyorbelsnackfood #conveyorbelpetfood #conveyorbelbreakfastcereal #conveyorbelbreweries #conveyorbelseedsandbeans #conveyorbelhemp #conveyorbelfrozenfood #conveyorbelpowders #conveyorbelrice #conveyorbelinustrialmaterial