Motion Sickness Treatment How To Stop Motion Sickness


Motion sickness or travel sickness is feeling sick when you travel by car, boat, plane or train. This weeks video is about the symptoms, causes, remedies and medicines (pills, tablets) to treat motion sickness. • MUST-HAVE SOLUTIONS FOR MOTION SICKNESS MANAGEMENT: • Antihistamine Tablet - • Ginger Chewy - • Before using any medication, always consult with your doctor for personalized advice and to ensure it's safe and suitable for you. Also, remember to read the information leaflet provided with the medication for important details and side effects and instructions on usage duration. • NETI POT SINUS RINSE BOTTLE BY ABRAHAM THE PHARMACIST: • Stuffy/Runny Nose from a cold, flu, allergies or post nasal drip? Try my Neti Pot Sinus Rinse Bottle by Abraham the pharmacist! Available Worldwide on Amazon. • - Click to open in the Amazon app. • - Or, use this link to go directly to the Amazon website. • This innovative solution makes natural saline nasal rinsing easier and more effective than ever before. Add it to your home medical kit today! • I've always suffered from motion sickness since a young age and like most people I really don't like it. Thankfully I now know what to do and I'm going to share that knowledge with you in this weeks video. • This video was sponsored by Dr Fox (Online Doctor Pharmacy): • • SYMPTOMS OF MOTION SICKNESS: • • Feeling sick (nausea) • • Sweating • • Increase in saliva • • Headaches • • Feeling cold and going pale • • Feeling weak • HOW TO PREVENT MOTION SICKNESS: • Prepare for your journey • • Don't eat a heavy meal before travelling. • • On long journeys, try breaking the journey to have some fresh air, drink some cold water and, if possible, take a short walk. • Where you sit • • Keep motion to a minimum. For example, sit in the front of a car, over the wing of a plane, or on deck in the middle of a boat. • • On a boat, stay on deck and avoid the cafeteria or sitting where your can smell the engines. • Breathing and smell • • Breathe fresh air if possible. For example, open a car window. • • Avoid strong smells, particularly petrol and diesel fumes. This may mean closing the window and turning on the air conditioning, or avoiding the engine area in a boat. • Using your eyes and ears differently • • Close your eyes (and keep them closed for the whole journey). This reduces 'positional' signals from your eyes to your brain and reduces the confusion. • • Try listening to an audio book with your eyes closed. There is some evidence that distracting your brain with audio signals can reduce your sensitivity to the motion signals. • • Try to sleep - this works mainly because your eyes are closed, but it is possible that your brain is able to ignore some motion signals when you are asleep. • • Do not read or watch a film. • • It is advisable not to watch moving objects such as waves or other cars. Instead, look ahead, a little above the horizon, at a fixed place. • OVER THE COUNTER MEDICINES • Always speak to your pharmacist they will be able to recommend the best treatment for you or your child. • Medicines are best taken before the journey. They may still help even if you take them after symptoms have begun, although once you feel sick you won't absorb medicines from the stomach very well. • Some medicines used for motion sickness may cause drowsiness. Some people are extremely sensitive to this and may find that they are so drowsy that they can't function properly at all. Always speak to your pharmacist and read the information leaflet. • Hyoscine is usually the most effective over the counter medicine for motion sickness. It works by preventing the confusing nerve messages going to your brain. There are several brands of medicines which contain hyoscine - they come in a tablet, patch and soluble form for children. • Certain antihistamines can also be useful, although they are not quite as effective as hyoscine for motion type sickness. However, they usually cause fewer side-effects for example, cinnarizine. • WHEN TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR: • There are a number of anti-sickness medicines which can only be prescribed by your healthcare professional. Let them know what you’ve tired as finding what medicine works best can sometimes be a case of trial and error. • • DISCLAIMER: • This video is for information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions. Abraham The Pharmacist has used all reasonable care in compiling the information but make no warranty as to its accuracy. Always consult a doctor or other healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.


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