African mix RhumbakizombasembaafrozoukAntilhanaDj Bunney254
FOR PROMOTIONAL PURPOSE ONLY. • Therefore this mix is not monetized. • A little introduction about one of the genre. • Kizomba Music genre • Kizomba is characterised by a slower, romantic, more sensuous rhythm than the traditional Angolan Semba dance. Kizomba music emerged as a more modern music genre with a sensual touch mixed with African rhythm and Haitian Kompa. • Original influential music styles from Cape Verde are funaná, morna, coladeira and batuque. Thanks to the French Antilles Zouk music and the strong influence of Semba, Cape Verdean singers have developed significantly Kizomba and Zouk (mixing it with Coladeira) known as cabo love or cola-dance. Moreover, every lusophone country has developed its own Kizomba music flavour which is a type of Zouk as explained below. • • Kizomba Dance genre • The Kizomba dance is a couple dance from which many styles such as, Tarraxinha and Urban Kiz derived from.Before the word Kizomba was adopted by Angolans in the 80s most PALOPS used to refer to it as “Passada” (including many Angolans). Passada uses the universal basics of partner dances. Side to side, Travelling 360 degree rotation. These are basics came from the European dance called the Waltz which is dating back to the 16th century. Almost all partner dances have universal basics; from Bolero, to Son, to Bachata, to Semba, to Forro, to Tango etc… Each of these dances are how each culture perceived and mutated those basics into something that reflects their identity. • • (((█▬█ █ ▀█▀ subscribe, █▬█ █ ▀█▀ like comment)))) • • Love what dj bunney does ?Buy her coffee • • For those who wish to promote my projects to be better • paypal:[email protected] • • *📲DJ BUNNEY254 LIVE BOOKING INFO📬* • Having a Wedding, Birthday Party, House Party, Clubbing event,Radio or TV,Function or Lime • Contact DJ BUNNEY 254 LIVE for Bookings • Email: [email protected] • FOR PROMOTIONAL USE ONLY. • Instagram @dj_bunney254 • Twitter @djbunney254 • Facebook @dj bunney254 • mixcloud (dj bunney254) • • (mixcloud) • / djbunney254 (facebook) • / dj_bunney254 (Instagram) • / djbunney254 (twitter)