Graco mortar pumps for spraying stucco


Graco mortar pumps for spraying stucco. • For immediate online bids, send pictures to Jason or me. • Kirk’s website. • Jason’s Website. • Hello friends, my pal and I are explaining while showing you how this stucco Graco Pump, or as some call it in the UK, is an exterior plastering or rendering pump or even a plastering machine. All terms mean the same thing. • You can view or buy them in the links below, and no we are not affiliated nor do we get any commissions, we simply share stucco systems that work how they are supposed to. We are a positive channel all products that work well we share, the ones that suck, we don't. • GRACO 25M530 ToughTek CM20 Continuous Mixer System. • Graco, 15A 120V Remote On/Off Switch ToughTek S340e Piston Pump Package is a natural alternative to the big Tommy guns Andy and I used all the time. • • My big Tommy guns required 9 to 11 guys to manage and run. • This smaller machine requires fewer men to operate, as seen in this video. • By using this smaller Graco cement Pump, there’s no doubt you can and will apply or spray more stucco on walls than by applying stucco by Hawk and Trowel. • However, guys who know what they are doing is a good idea. • A good, experienced crew of plasterers is an even better idea. • Most know Graco is one of the world’s most recognized names in many sprayers and other equipment. • Google “Graco,” and you will be impressed as they invented the popular paint sprayers. • Also, in the video below, we are using this same Graco plastering pump, but on a large commercial two-sided storage building, we finished both coats in a day which would have taken perhaps five without the Pump. • Plus had a good time. Enjoy.    • Graco pumps spray the stucco on walls.   • Graco pumps are excellent for spraying cement stucco onto walls much faster than an entire crew of men applying by hand. • Like all cement plastering pumps, this smaller version of a large Tommy plastering gun requires fewer men and can still complete any job faster than by hand. • I’m working with a few plasterers in this video and having a great time getting the job done and getting paid to exercise. Can’t beat that. • Thanks for watching.


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