How To Install a Shelix Cutterhead in the DeWalt DW735 Planer


Installing the Byrd Tool Shelix cutterhead in the DeWALT DW735 planer. • In 2007 Markerbuoy, ably assisted by Planerboy and supported by Janer B, set about building a workshop on a remote island off Canada's west coast. • All the timber was cut using a chain saw and finished to size by Planerboy. No wood was purchased from any lumber yard. • Planerboy used a DeWALT DW735 planer to smooth all the 1 2 boards that went in to the building. The DW735 is a great machine that allows us to maximise our limited power source, but the three knives need frequent replacement, especially when machining mature Douglas Fir. Once I became aware of the after market Byrd Tool Shelix cutterhead http:// it seemed like a natural improvement for our planer. Byrd Tool has a very good description of the installation • http:// with easy to follow instructions. We had no difficulty with our installation, as you can see from the video. The Shelix head has resulted in significantly lower noise levels and has improved efficiency considerably. In addition, there will be significantly less downtime, as we will not have to replace knives any more. It was a pleasure to deal directly with Byrd Tool as the manufacturer. • • Many other friends assisted in the original construction project, either with physical help or by donating supplies and/or equipment. All the help is greatly appreciated. • The project initially took two spring/summer seasons to complete, but as I write (spring 2012) much remains to be done, although the 'shop is in use. An addition was started, early 2011 and once it is complete, walls, terracing and general landscaping remains to be done.   • How To Build A Workshop Addition Part...   • There is no ferry to the island, no electricity, no roads and no stores, so this all takes time to accomplish. • If you would like to follow more of our antics, have a look at my channel • Subscribe here It's easy to do and it's free! YouTube will send you an email when I post the next video. • Music for this video, titled Travelling Souls was purchased from and is used under licence.


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