Marvelous Grace Grace Greater Than Our Sin
“Marvelous Grace (Grace Greater Than Our Sin),” #365 in the United Methodist hymnal • Text: Julia H. Johnston (1911); tune: MOODY by Daniel B. Towner (1910); arrangement by Becky Messer (2020) • Background image “Little Lamb” by Yongsung Kim (2019) • • Recorded for United Japanese Christian Church ♡ (but feel free to use this for whatever and whenever you like, of course!) :) • • Marvelous grace of our loving Lord • Grace that exceeds our sin and our guilt • Yonder on Calvary's mount outpoured • There where the blood of the Lamb was spilt • Grace, grace, God's grace! • Grace that will pardon and cleanse within • Grace, grace, God's grace! • Grace that is greater than all our sin • Sin and despair like the sea waves cold • Threaten the soul with infinite loss • But grace that is greater—yes, grace untold— • Points to the refuge, the mighty cross! • Grace, grace, God's grace! • Grace that will pardon and cleanse within • Grace, grace, God's grace! • Grace that is greater than all our sin • Dark is the stain that we cannot hide • What can avail to wash it away? • Look! there is flowing a crimson tide • Whiter than snow you may be today! • Grace, grace, God's grace! • Grace that will pardon and cleanse within • Grace, grace, God's grace! • Grace that is greater than all our sin • Grace, grace, God's grace! • Grace that will pardon and cleanse within • Grace, grace, God's grace! • Grace that is greater than all our sin • Grace that is greater than all our sin!