First month with palatal expander


Dr. Lera talks about what to expect before after brachycephalic syndrome surgery with Giovanni, a two-year-old English Bulldog. • Brachycephalic syndrome is a combination of upper airway abnormalities that cause partial obstruction to a dog's breathing. The syndrome typically includes several conditions at once. • Elongated soft palate: The soft palate is the soft tissue that lies beyond the hard palate on the mouth. When the soft palate is too long, the end of it extends to the airway. This interferes with the movement of air into the lungs. • Everted Laryngeal Saccules: The laryngeal saccules are soft tissue structures near the vocal folds and the larynx (upper part of the trachea, or windpipe). When this airway tissue becomes everted (turned outwards), it gets pulled into the trachea and partially obstructs airflow. • Stenotic Nares: In normal dogs, the nostrils are the right size and shape to allow for normal breathing. The term stenotic refers to a narrowing or stricture. The term nares refers to the nostrils. When a dog's nostrils are narrow or collapse inward when inhaling, it becomes difficult for the dog to breathe through its nose. (source: • • Connect with us: • Facebook:   / heronlakesvet   • Instagram:   / heronlakesvet   • Twitter:   / heronlakesvet   • Website: • Email: [email protected] • DISCLAIMER: The content provided in this channel is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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