How Simple Cypress Tests Recouped Thousands of Company Dollars Jessica Hirsch
In this session, Jessica Hirsch takes you through the fascinating case study of how simple Cypress User Acceptance Tests (UAT) saved her company thousands of dollars. • By applying lean problem-solving and scientific thinking, Jessica demonstrates how UAT can deliver a high-impact, cost-effective automation solution, uncovering patterns and insights that lead to real business savings. • You’ll learn about: • -The power of simplicity in building effective automation solutions. • The process of analyzing post-mortem data to identify recurring defects and streamline testing. • How strategic grouping of test types can define framework boundaries for maximum efficiency. • Techniques for cutting costs and eliminating transient errors using creative • Why resilience building in your tests is crucial for long-term confidence in your automation results. • Key Takeaways: • How to build a resilient and cost-effective Cypress test framework. • Methods for reducing false alarms and improving test confidence. • -Real-world examples of using Cypress to maximize automation impact. • Relevant Links: • Explore Cypress Features -