Clacton toilet tour 🚽


You can't beat a trip to the British seaside for a good old bit of toilet heritage, not even in winter! We took a quick tour of Clacton's seafront latrines, and were overjoyed to find few signs of modernisation. • 0:00 AMBLESIDE • Not Cumbria, but a five minute walk east of Clacton Pier. One WC and an unbranded porcelain slab. So far, so good. Cistern was concealed and too busy to catch it flushing unfortunately. • 0:09 WEST GREENSWARD • These were west of the pier, near the Toby Carvery. An amazing find - fourteen completely original urinals (1950s at a guess) arranged in a 'C' formation with common drains and and flushed by three original cisterns, one on each wall and each with a Cistermiser hydraulic valve. One of them cut in and then flushed despite my being alone in the Gents, so likely shares its supply with the adjacent ladies WC. Couldn't capture that this time but a good strong flush with a nice loud slurp from the cistern at the end. • 0:15 PIER GAP • Right in front of the pier by the gardens. Another '50s block that would once have been identical to West Greensward but modernised with two steel slabs and lots of WCs. Not nearly enough urinals for such a busy location. Both slabs are flushed by a single plastic cistern (in a dreadful state), again on a Cistermiser hydraulic valve. • 0:23 CLACTON PIER • The jewel in the crown of this Essex town... for toilet fans anyway. Located in a building towards the back of the pier is this completely original set of loos. The Gents is dominated by a twelve station urinal, right in the middle of the room and with what must be the most awkward layout anyone could imagine. The entire fixture is flushed periodically by one central cistern, which I just happened to catch in action. • 1:04 LYNDHURST ROAD • A smaller toilet containing its original 'L' shape Twyfords Adamant slab. The Dudley auto cistern appears to be a recent replacement, as are the naff looking plastic flush pipes. Like a lot of older slabs this one wasn't quite draining level.


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