Constantine and the Cross 1962


Constantine and the Cross (Italian: Costantino il grande) is a 1961 historical drama film about the early career of the emperor Constantine, who first legalized and then adopted Christianity in the early 4th century. The fictionalised film only stretches as far into his life as the Battle of the Milvian Bridge in AD 312. • It was also known as Constantine the Great or Constantino il Grande - In Hoc Signo Vinces. • This biopic of Constantine the Great, set between 293-312 AD, from his days as Tribune to his accession as Roman Emperor of Gaul under the tetrarchy system and ending with his battle against the usurper Roman Emperor Maxentius in Rome. • Directors: Lionello De Felice, Irving Rapper • Writers: Michael Audley (dialogue), Ennio De Concini • Stars: Cornel Wilde, Belinda Lee, Massimo Serato | See full cast: • • A more detailed summary: • This lavish historical saga stars Cornel Wilde as Constantine, who uses his military expertise to become the Emperor of Rome, and who was led by a vision to convert to Christianity and to end the Roman persecution of the Church. Constantine's adoption of Christianity allowed this small, persecuted religion to sweep throughout Europe as the empire's power waned. “Constantine and the Cross” is an action-packed portrait of a fascinating historical figure. • Most of the movie centers around political intrigue between Constantine and those in Rome who want to usurp his power and prestige. There is a good amount of Roman battle scenes (Civil war). A very small part of the movie is also taken up fighting the barbarians. • However, it is a good example of just what Christian Martyrs by the tens of thousands had to endure (death) before Constantine came on the scene. Some here say that it is not factual. Yet evidence from antiquity is strong that Constantine did have a conversion due to divine intervention. He was alone among emperors to fight for religious freedom. Constantine did not convert immediately after seeing the cross in the sky. But the stage was set. His mother (Helena/to Catholics: St Helena) is portrayed very well in this movie. • —— • Some historical side notes: • In this Italian film Constantine is portrayed as a Roman whereas he would be more Greco-Roman or Greek. A little more information on the historical and religious figure who founded Constantinople and the Byzantine Empire (Eastern Roman). The vision on the Milvian Bridge that led him to victory was in Greek and said «Εν Τούτων Νικά» “with this you will win”.” • • Equal to the Apostles Emperor Saint Constantine the Great (February 27, 272-May 22, 337) was proclaimed Augustus by his troops on July 25, 306 and ruled an ever-growing portion of the Roman Empire to his death. Constantine is famed for his re-founding of Byzantium as New Rome, which was always called Constantine's City —Constantinople. With the Edict of Milan in 313, Constantine and his co-Emperor removed all onus from Christianity. • By taking the personal step of convoking the Council of Nicea (325) Constantine began the Roman Empire's unofficial sponsorship of Christianity, which was a major factor in the faith's spread. His reputation as the first Christian Emperor was promulgated by Lactantius and Eusebius and gained ground in the succeeding generations. The Orthodox Church keeps his feast on May 21, along with his mother, Empress Saint Helen, as Holy Equals-to-the-Apostles. • —- • Like what you see? • For our original programming please see below: • Presented by #Patreon's Hellenic History Series Welcome. Our page is devoted to bringing to life Hellenic (Greek) history via animated educational videos, original art, books, and music. Help support Porphyra's upcoming third album by becoming a Patreon and getting exclusive perks! #HellenicHistorySeries •   / hellenichistoryseries   • Also, subscribe to Hellenic History Series YouTube Channel:    / kalavrita1821   • And LIKE our Companion Facebook page: •   / hellenichistoryseries   • And our Community Group Page on Facebook Love Letters to Greece:   / 627895857390614   • • #Q4Prometheus


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