Investing in Mutual Funds Vs Fixed DepositsFD Motilal Oswal


In this video we will be talking about two very popular investment avenues i.e. investing in mutual funds vs fixed deposits. We will compare both these products to understand them in more detail in terms of characteristics and risk. Let us understand their exact definitions first. • A mutual fund is a basket of financial securities that is professionally managed by experts known as fund managers. A fixed deposit is a fixed sum of money that we deposit in a bank so that we can earn interest on it for a fixed period of time. Now let us discuss their risks and returns. Returns from investing in mutual fund are directly linked to the market performance of the securities. Similarly, each one offers a • different level of risk depending on the securities it contains. • Fixed deposits on the other hand are not directly linked to the stock market, therefore their returns are predetermined and fixed and they have much lesser risk. Next let's compare the expenses incurred while investing in mutual funds vs fixed deposits. Mutual funds involve multiple expenses which are deducted from an investor's total profit. These expenses are deducted to ensure the smooth functioning of the mutual fund, on the other hand since fixed deposits require minimal management there are no additional costs involved. • Now let's talk about the taxations on these investments. The profits made from investing in mutual funds are subject to capital gains tax on a short-term and long-term basis. Fixed deposits are subject to a 10tax deducted at source or tds on the interest earned above rupees 10,000 on a yearly basis. • Now we've understood some basic features of these mutual funds vs fixed deposits. It's time to answer the question which instrument works. As we can see mutual funds and fixed deposits are very different in nature and hence there is no specific answer to which is better of the two, both are suitable for different types of investors depending on the risk appetite of the customer. If you are looking for a low risk way of • growing your wealth on a constant basis fixed deposits are the best investment for you. On the other hand if you aim to generate high returns on your investment and you have a higher risk appetite you should definitely try out mutual funds. These investments have disadvantages as well. Mutual funds might offer higher returns but these returns are neither fixed nor guaranteed on the other hand while • fixed deposits have defined return their effectiveness can be reduced by inflation. • #mutualfundsvsfixeddeposits #investinginmutualfunds #fixeddeposit #mutualfunds #edumo #stockmarketeducation • Visit Our Website - Important Links: • Motilal Oswal Home - • Open Demat Account Online At Motilal Oswal - • MO Indian Stock Market Live - • Motilal Oswal Equity Derivatives - • Motilal Oswal Commodity Trading - • Motilal Oswal Currency Trading - • Motilal Oswal Digital Gold Investment - • MO Portfolio Management Services - • Motilal Oswal Upcoming IPOs - • Motilal Oswal Stock Market Apps: • MO Trader App Play Store: • MO Investor App Play Store: • MO Trader IOS App Store: • MO Investor IOS App Store: • Motilal Oswal Social Media: • Join Us On Facebook:   / motilaloswalsecurities   • Follow Us On Instagram:   / motilaloswalgroup   • Follow Us On Twitter:   / motilaloswalltd   • Visit Us On LinkedIn:   / motilal-oswal-financial-services-ltd   • YouTube Channel:    / @mofsl   • Our Telegram:


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