NPK 120122 OM Organic fertilizer
@japaneseorganicfertilizerIn terms of nutrient supply: • • Diverse nutrients: It contains both inorganic nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which can quickly supply the essential macronutrients for crop growth. The relatively high nitrogen content can promote the growth of stems and leaves. It also contains 22% organic matter. The organic matter can improve the soil structure, increase the soil's water and nutrient retention capacity, and provide a favorable living environment for soil microorganisms, thereby indirectly promoting the absorption and utilization of nutrients by crop roots. • • Long-lasting fertilizer effect: The inorganic nutrients can meet the needs of crops for rapid growth in the short term. Meanwhile, the organic matter releases nutrients gradually through microbial decomposition, which can continuously provide fertility for crops over a longer period, making the fertilizer effect last longer and reducing the number of fertilization times. • Effects on the soil: • • Soil improvement: The presence of organic matter helps to improve the air permeability, water permeability, and looseness of the soil, prevent soil compaction, and make the soil environment more suitable for the growth of crop roots and the activities of soil organisms. • • Soil fertility enhancement: Continuous application can increase the organic matter content in the soil, improve soil fertility, make the soil more fertile, and is conducive to maintaining good planting conditions in the long term. • Impacts on crop growth: • • Enhanced stress resistance: A good soil environment and continuous nutrient supply help to strengthen the resistance of crops to diseases, pests, drought, cold, and other stresses, making the crops grow more vigorously. • • Quality improvement: A comprehensive and balanced nutrient supply is conducive to the synthesis of more proteins, sugars, and other nutrients by crops, thereby improving the quality of crops. For example, the fruits will be sweeter and have a better taste, which is helpful for enhancing the market competitiveness of agricultural products. • Economic and environmental benefits: • • Cost savings: One-time fertilization can meet the needs of multiple nutrients simultaneously, reducing the trouble of separately purchasing and applying inorganic fertilizers and organic fertilizers, and saving the labor costs of fertilizer procurement and fertilization to a certain extent. • • Environmentally friendly: Compared with the potential soil pollution, eutrophication of water bodies, and other environmental problems that may be caused by simply using a large amount of inorganic fertilizers, organic-inorganic compound fertilizers can reduce these risks and are more in line with the requirements of sustainable agricultural development.