How to Move Off Center Vanity Light Over on Bathroom Wall
Hello DIY remodelers, in this video we show you how to take an old off center bathroom vanity light fixture outlet box which is not centered on the wall and move move vanity light fixture over on the bathroom wall until it is centered. This is how to move light fixtures, and moving light fixtures is often required when you remodel the bathroom and install a new bathroom vanity, when you find the vanity light rough in is off center. After you watch this video, there will be no more off center light fixture for you. • ✅ Tools in this how to move bathroom vanity light fixture video: • ✅ Fluke FLK2AC Voltage Detector VoltAlert 90 to 1000 V AC: • ✅ Wago Lever-Nut/Wiring Nut Assortment Pack: • ✅ Ideal Grounding Pigtails with Ground Screws (Pack of 50): • ✅ Raco 4-Inch Round Ceiling Pan 1/2 deep: • This is the vanity light rough in box. • How to Move a Vanity Light Outlet Fixture Junction Box Over on the Wall • ✅ SUBSCRIBE: • For more useful DIY home remodeling tips, tricks, and solutions to engineering disasters subscribe here: • ✅ WATCH: How to Install Garbage Disposal Switch, Appliance Outlet in 2 Gang Box • • How to Install Garbage Disposal Switc... • ✅ WATCH: How to Move a Refrigerator Outlet Down the Wall - Fridge Cord Short • • How to Move a Refrigerator Outlet Dow... • ✅ WATCH: How to Move an Electrical Outlet/Light Switch Up A Wall and Patch the Drywall • • Moving Electrical Outlet Up A Wall, H... • ✅ WATCH: How to Install Garbage Disposal Electrical Outlet Box • • How To Install Garbage Disposal Elect... • ✅ WATCH: How to Convert 3 Wire Oven/Electric Range Electrical Outlet to 4 Wire • • How To Convert 3 Wire to 4 Oven/Elect... • how to move light fixture box • Hello fellow DIY remodelers, in this video we show you how to take an old bathroom vanity light fixture outlet box which is not centered on the wall and move move light fixture over on the wall until it is centered. This is how to move light fixtures, and moving light fixtures is often required when you remodel the bathroom and install a new bathroom vanity, when yo find the vanity light rough in is off center. • How to move vanity light fixture • If you notice that your bathroom vanity light junction box is not centered on the wall, you can move light fixture box over on the wall a few inches. After you move light fixture over, you'll be ready to patch up the drywall over the hole where the • How to choose the right vanity light rough in box • We also show you in this video how to choose the right depth vanity light rough in box, so that you don't buy a vanity light rough in box that is too deep for the space you have inside your wall. Then it's time to un-wire everything, and moving light fixture in bathroom. • How to move bathroom light fixture • So you noticed that your bathroom vanity light fixture is way off center so here we'll show you how to move bathroom light fixtures over on the wall to better center the vanity light during your vanity light install project. And that is all there is to moving light fixtures over in bathrooms. • How to move light fixture in bathroom • Before we move light fixture over, we have to move the light fixture box over. Here's how to move light fixture box. To move the light fixture box over we have to make sure there is enough wire connected to the vanity light rough in box before moving light fixtures over. • Make sure you have the proper depth light fixture outlet can and place it on the drywall in the spot where you want to install your vanity lights and trace it out. Then cut the drywall and grab the wires from the old vanity light can, and move the wires to the new can. • Move light fixture in bathroom • Now that the we have figured out how to move light fixture box, and so the new light fixture box has been moved on the bathroom wall, now you simply reconnect all the vanity light fixture box wires into the vanity light rough in box and move the light fixture in the bathroom over and attach it to the new location. Now your bathroom vanity lights are centered. This completes the vanity light install. • How to move bathroom vanity light fixtures • Congratulations, now you know how to move bathroom light fixtures over on the wall and how to install vanity lights.