The Dolly Zoom More Than A Cheap Trick
How to Contra Dance - The Basics Ch 3 - Four Dancers or Hands Four • Contra Dancing at Atlanta Contra Dances. • More info at • Funded in part by Country Dance and Song Society, CDSS. This video shows basic and more fundamental moves of contra dance for a contra group of four dancers. • The Atlanta Contra Dancers at of Atlanta gives dance instructions for new or beginning Contra dancers. Callers Rob Harper and Susan Davis (just off screen) teach basic lessons or moves for a group of four Contra dancers while experienced dancers demonstrate the group movements on screen. This instructional dance video shows a few basic steps of how to contra dance in a small group of four dancers. DVD version containing all updated chapters and more can be found at under What's Contra Dancing. • How to Contra Dance. Contra Dance Basics. • Videography by Jim Crawford. More at / 43jimcr