Batya UngarSargon Defines quotElitesquot


Batya Ungar-Sargon is the author of the new book ‘Second Class: How the Elites Betrayed America’s Working Men and Women.’ On this week’s pod, Batya and I discuss her thesis that working men and women in the United States have been left behind economically and abandoned by both political parties. As her title suggests, she believes “elites” are causing this problem, and “elites” include you and me, pal. You may disagree with her position 100%, but I hope you will take away at least one thing from this discussion: that using “Olive Garden” or “Applebees” as a punchline denigrates the restaurant where most of the country wishes they could afford to eat. #workingclass #middleclass #bluecollar #authors #books #jobs #career #union


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