小城夏天| Body Percussion amp Rhythm Play Along 身體樂器節奏齊齊拍

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=DGWwJ8cE36g

#playalong #小城夏天 #bodypercussion #rhythm #newnewchannel #play #along #身體樂器 #節奏齊齊拍 • 大家好!我是你們的好朋友,今天我來跟大家介紹一個最新的影片!這是一個獨特的音樂教學影片,讓你在享受音樂的同時,還可以動起來!你可能會想,是不是一定要會跳舞才能學習呢?其實不用擔心,因為這個影片可以讓你在跟着音樂的節奏,並且按照影片的提示來進行身體的節奏演奏!是不是很有趣呢? • 這個影片的歌曲名稱就是網絡很火熱的歌曲小城夏天,這首歌曲的旋律非常讓人陶醉,而且非常適合用來創作教學影片。在影片中,你會看到幾個圖案從影片上方一直向下,而中間就是節奏圖案的提示。這些圖案是非常重要的,因為它們會告訴你什麼時候要做什麼動作。 • 如果你還沒有學過音樂,也不用擔心,因為這個影片非常適合初學者。你只需要跟着影片的節奏,按照提示進行身體節奏的演奏,就可以讓自己更好地感受音樂的魅力。如果你已經是一位音樂愛好者,那麼這個影片也會讓你更加享受音樂的魅力,並且讓你更加深入地了解音樂的節奏。 • 所以,如果你想學習音樂,並且想要在學習的同時動起來,那麼這個影片絕對是你不能錯過的!快來跟着影片的節奏,讓自己沉浸在音樂的世界中吧! • Hello everyone! I'm your friend and today I'm excited to introduce you to my latest video! It's a unique music tutorial video that allows you to enjoy music while moving your body! You might be wondering if you need to know how to dance to learn from this video, but don't worry, because you can follow the rhythm of the music and the body rhythm cues in the video without any dance experience! It's super fun, trust me. • The name of the song featured in this video is Little Town Summer, which is a super popular song that's been making waves lately. The melody is so catchy and it's perfect for this tutorial video. In the video, you'll see several graphics falling down from the top of the screen, with rhythm cues in the middle. These graphics are important because they tell you what movements to make and when. Of course, you can always add your own style, but following the rhythm cues will give you a better sense of rhythm! • If you're new to music, don't worry! This video is perfect for beginners. You just need to follow the rhythm and cues in the video to move your body and make music. It's a great way to get a feel for music and learn how to connect with its rhythm. If you're already a music lover, this video will help you enjoy music even more and give you a deeper understanding of rhythm. • So, if you want to learn music while moving your body, this video is a must-watch! Follow the rhythm and let yourself immerse in the world of music! • 成為這個頻道的會員並獲得獎勵: •    / @newnewchannel  


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