How to use the Team Planner for Resource Management in Project Online
** Email us at [email protected] to organize a demo ** • +++Also check out parts 1 2 of our Resource Management videos • How to manage people on projects: Cap... • How To - Capacity Planning and Resour... +++ • How to use the Team Planner to move assignments in Project Online • INTRODUCTION • Did you know that you can easily reallocate and move work using the Team Planner in Microsoft Project Online? • Western Principles can help you get started. • Before we begin … • If you’re watching on YouTube, please Subscribe to our channel, and hit the bell to get notifications about new content. • If you’re watching on LinkedIn, please like, comment, or share. • SOLVING OVERALLOCATION AND UNDERALLOCATION • • Overallocation occurs when a person has too much work assigned to them. • • Under-allocation occurs when a person doesn’t have enough. • • Solving this problem on a single schedule is a challenge, • • And solving it across a program of multiple schedules can be even harder. • SOLUTION • Microsoft Project Online provides several solutions for fixing this problem. • • Power BI provides you great visibility into the programs, projects, and resources in your enterprise. With this you can easily spot over- and under-allocation and take steps to fix it. • • You can use the Resource Analysis as part of the Portfolio Management capabilities in Microsoft Project Online, to do capacity planning several months out. • • You can use leveling to move activities around automatically • • You can use the resource query tool to match and replace resources • • Or you can use the Team Planner, which is what we’re focusing on today. • LET’S LOOK AT THE TEAM PLANNER • Here we have a single schedule in Microsoft Project Professional. • This project is for the development of a customer complaint resolution system. • The PM has built the schedule in the Gantt view, and put in durations, assignments, and dependencies. • But the PM knows he has some overallocations, because he can see this little red person in the Information column. • The PM jumps over to the Resource Tab, and the Team Planner view. • In the Team Planner we can see the resources, and their assigned tasks. • We can also see down at the bottom here an unassigned task. • Again, we can see the red icons on each resource, telling us who is overallocated. We can also see blanks in the schedule which show us that resources aren’t allocated. • We can see that Bob is overallocated. We can also see when he is overallocated, based on the work showing up within these red brackets. • Let’s fix this problem. • First off, we can drag some of his work and reschedule it later. Before I do this … watch the task for Testing. It is linked into the schedule and cannot be done until all of the development is done. • We’ve moved this task out for Bob, and we also pushed the testing out. • We can’t afford to go much later. Is there someone else that can do some work for Bob? I can see the Deidre is under-allocated. She has no work assigned to her down here. She can do the Intake process. • Now Bob isn’t overallocated anymore. • If I make a mistake, I can recover with the Undo function. I ca also Redo. Easy. • I can do the same for Jennifer, moving tasks around. One challenge that we have with Jennifer’s tasks is that Betty is also assigned to these. In this case we want to move the entire task, not just Jennifer’s work. If we right-click on Jennifer’s task, then we can “Select All Assignments on Task”, and this allows us to move all the assignments and the entire task. • The final thing we need to do is assign this unassigned task. I’m going to give that to Deidre, simply by dragging it up to her. • Now we’ve fixed all of the overallocations, and addressed some underallocation too. • TEAM PLANNER SUMMARY • • The Team Planner is easy to use and gives the project manager full control over how tasks are scheduled. • • The Team Planner lets the PM move single assignments or complete tasks • • The Team Planner can also be applied to resources across projects. If you open multiple projects with the same resources in them, you can see their assignments on different projects, and you can drag-and-drop assignments to fix under- and overallocations in the same way. • • A PM can use the Team Planner to easily and quickly solve over- and under-allocation problems. • Western Principles can help you get started with optimizing your resources. • WE CAN HELP • Western Principles is a Microsoft Gold PPM partner. • We know Microsoft Project and can help you with all aspects of your project portfolio management, including your capacity planning and resource management. • We can also help you extend your PPM system with the Microsoft Power Platform or partner solutions, like the Resource Manager from UMT360, to help you drive more ROI from your project and portfolio management system. • Let’s get started together. Visit us on the web, call us at 1-800-578-4155, or email us at [email protected]. • We look forward to helping you.