Warpaint New Song Dec 23 2012 SS Coachella
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=DKSE2fT67oY
Yet another fantastic new song. I can't wait for this album to get recorded! Everyone is on their A-game for this one, too. Theresa's use of the pitch bend for the synth parts is great. Emily's vocals and reggae guitar stabs are really tasty. Jenn and Stella are super tight-knit and just knock it outta the park. • This was the very last song of their very last set. Jenn's bass strap must have been really exhausted by the end of this trip, because it just kind of gives up on life right before the song ends, but she handles it with grace and even gets the last note in. It's pretty funny. • Based on the set list kicking around tumblr, I believe this song's working title is Keep it Heal or Keep It (maybe?). • There's a prototype of sorts for this song as the intro to this concert: • Video