day and night CBBC Summer Social johnny orlando amp kenzie Ziegler 5818


Johnny Orlando and Mackenzie Ziegler perform together at the CBBC Summer Social. • Johnny and Kenzie perform two duets, What If and Day Night, in front a young crowd in Liverpool, and broadcast live across the UK on the CBBC TV channel. • -- • Canadian Johnny Orlando posted his first music video on YouTube at the age of 8, as a one-off for family and friends, but such were the views and response from a much wider audience that he continued to post and quickly started building a fan base. • Johnny has since gone on to release singles which have charted on iTunes and has performed live to thousands of fans on tour. His YouTube subscribers now, at the age of just 15, have grown to over 3 million. • Watch Johnny Orlando on YouTube:    / johnnyosings   • Find out more on Johnny’s website: • -- • Mackenzie Ziegler is a US dancer, singer, actress and model. She first rose to fame on the reality show Dance Mums. • Kenzie’s 2014 debut album Mack Z reached number 1 on the iTunes pop charts. In 2016 she started recording with Johnny Orlando, and through the next two years Johnny and Mackenzie presented their Day Night Tour across NOrth America and the UK. • Watch Mackenzie Ziegler on YouTube:    / @kenzie   • Fin out more on Kenzie’s website: • -- • This video includes the audio clip Flyby Sound by Conor available from and released under CC Attribution 3.0 [] • -- • #CBBCSummerSocial


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